Step 3-Kyle Messenger

Step 3-Kyle Messenger

When I first enrolled into my geometry class at the beginning of my sophomore year I was already in a bad spot with math. What I mean by that is, I struggled with the subject my entire life. Not only that but, I just passed algebra freshmen year. so, when I arrived I was already in a bad mindset about my capabilities in the subject. Now, you can ask why didn’t I really try to make a comeback in my mentality and work ethic for the topic, well my teacher didn’t believe I could make the change either. On the second day of my geometry class I was wearing a shirt from my football team at the school. My teacher noticed and questioned if I play for the team. I responded with a yes and then she said,” Well lets hope you are not going to be one of those football players.” At first I took it as a joke but then she assured to me that she was not kidding. This caused a serious feeling in my head that made me less motivated and smart about my choices in the class. I wasn’t succeding in the subject because I wouldn’t effectively work on the material outside of the class frequently. In the article, “The Hazards of Confidence” by Daniel Kahneman he states,” People who face a difficult question often answer an easier one instead, without realizing it.” this quote demonstrates what happened to me relating to math. When I started geometry off of the wrong foot already I often told myself that I couldn’t do the work to meet my teachers expectations because she already has a biased opinion about who I am as a student. This made me blame the reason why I can’t succeed in the class on my teacher, and my past difficulty on the subject. This correlates to the Kanhemen article because says,” We are prone to think that the world is more regular and predictable than it really is.” This quote instantly made me think about my geometry teacher because her assumptions about me made me believe that, this is how I am, and I cannot fix it because of my past experiences. This later became a life changing realization of mine because I stood up and decided to go the extra mile that I never went to for the class. I engaged with a tutor twice a week for a month. I needed an 86 on the final to pass the class, I ended the the exam with a 92. Ever since then, I realized that the world is not what everyone says and things do not have to be normal or do not have tpo be the same as the past. As you can see Kahnemans falicies are popular and visible in my life.

One thought on “Step 3-Kyle Messenger

  1. I like how you’re blending the Kahneman material into your case study. One way to make the connection even clearer is to use key words from Kahneman quotes in the sentences you use to talk about your case study. For example, you use the quote from K about our expectations that reality is predictable. You could use the word “predictable” in the sentences about your sense of the static nature of your own math abilities. That would make a stronger connection between the two content-elements of your paragraph.

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